
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started


Welcome to the 2025 Hockey season at YMCC Hockey Club.

In 2020, Hockey Australia (HA) and Hockey WA (HWA), moved to an online membership registration platform provided by RevolutioniseSPORT.  This platform will be used to register all members and manage the seasons competitions, results and statistics. 

With the registration platform for the 2025 season, returning members can select the RETURNING MEMBER option to register this season.  New members to the YMCC Hockey Club will be required to click REGISTER (at the bottom of this page) to input their information into the system.

As part of the registration process, you will be required to pay the Hockey Australia Levy at the time of registration.  The HA Levy for each player is dependent upon age and type of registration, as follows:

  • Seniors/Masters (19 years and over) - $68.79
  • Juniors (J5/6 to J11/12) - $56.81
  • Sub-juniors (Minkey, J1/2 and J3/4) - $22.81
  • Shooting Stars - $20.00
  • Non-playing Members - $0.00

The full list of YMCC fees can be found here: Fee Structure. 

If there are any questions regarding the registration process, please contact the Secretary to discuss your concerns as there can be solutions worked out.

Important Notes

  • Payments will incur a 2.0% +$0.60 fee for payments online (this is a revoultioniseSPORT platform charge and not from YMCC).
  • We are registered to accept the WA Government’s KidSport vouchers.  Please contact the Secretary via email for details and how to offset the player's fees.

If there are any issues regarding your experience in the registration process, we would like to hear about it and attempt to resolve the issue.  Please contact to allow us to commence working on the problem.

Discount Codes

  • This season the club is trialling discount codes for certain fee classes.  From the table below please select the applicable discount code and enter it, after selecting the registration grade.
  • The Hockey Australia levy will still be invoiced and must be paid to complete registration.

Discount Codes

Brief Descriptions

Contact club Secretary

Coach of a team at YMCC as well as being a player for the club.


Goalkeeper who has their own playing gear (50% discount of playing grade).


A playing life member of the YMCC Hockey Club.

  Contact club Secretary   Kidsport participation program



